An app to help support our life together as a church community

It helps us connect and make sense of all the groups and events in which we learn to live, serve, minister, and worship together. It’s a bit of an online directory of events and it lets brothers and sisters and guests see and connect with groups more easily (e.g. a formation group or a ministry team).

Getting started

  1. See the pdf guide for signing up and getting started at

  2. (Optional) Install the mobile apps on Android or on IOS

What can we see and do on the App?

You’ll see the list of events, courses, formation groups, ministry teams

When you create an account and sign in, you’ll be able to see, and connect with contact persons of different groups. For the groups you’re apart of, you’ll get reminders on events, notifications when new resources are posted in the group etc.

Where can we access it?

You can use your desktop computer (through a browser) or download the mobile applications available on both Android and iOS.

How often should we use it?

Just often enough to get connected with the right information time-to-time. It could be next steps after going to a formation group for a little while (or changing a formation group). Or wanting to help out with a particular ministry team. Or you can subscribe and be notified when new events are added.

Technology for Living In-Relation

While technology and the web have enabled new and sometimes better ways in which we talk to and relate to another, we recognize it's not all that there is to the whole of God's good, created world. We want to emphasize and hold onto the importance of physical presence as part of God's renewing work. In that spirit, this tool helps us navigate many of the ways we are learning to commit to another, to be present to one another in Christ and to be rooted in a particular place.

We are reminded by the apostle John in the wonderful prologue of his gospel account

The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood
— John 1:14 (The Message paraphrase)