Christ the King Sunday: Psalm 46

Christ the King Sunday

This Sunday we celebrate Christ the King. The theme of Christ’s Lordship is central to what it means to trust and follow Jesus. This week we engage Psalm 46. A honest psalm that names the constant threats we face but draws us to the One who is enthroned above the chaos of the wind and the waves.

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Passage: Psalm 46


  • Thomas Merton says that the psalms are like the bread of heaven in the wilderness of our exodus. Does life currently feel like a wilderness season? Or do things feel overwhelming and chaotic? How do your heart respond toward these circumstances?

  • In Psalm 46, the psalmist draws our attention to God being our refuge and strength and ever present help in times of trouble. Regarding God’s faithfulness in your story, what might the Spirit be calling to your memory in the midst of your present circumstances?

  • Upon reflection of the promises in Psalm 46, in what way do you sense the Spirit of God inviting you to a new perspective and response to your circumstances?