Day of Pentecost: John 13:8-17, 25-27

Pentecost Sunday

One of the temptations of Pentecost Sunday is to honour the story as an event of the past. How can we begin to see and even anticipate Pentecost as a continual reality? In John 14, Jesus is speaking to people who are anxious about navigating an uncertain future, into that moment He promises to send the Holy Spirit. What are those moments where the Spirit has called us into new peace, postures, and possibilities?

Day of Pentecost: John 14:8-17, 25-27
Pastor Josh


  • The Acts 2 account is a foundational event for the church. If Pentecost celebrates new beginnings then perhaps we should learn to anticipate it as a recurring event.

    • How can you cultivate a deeper expectation for a filling of the Holy Spirit in your own life and story?

    • What are the moments (past and present) in your story where the Spirit has called you into a new and uncertain chapter?

  • By the power of the Spirit, followers of Jesus will do “even greater things than these” What if we could take Jesus at his word? What if this is true?

    • Ask the Spirit - what is possible in and through our church family? What does creativity look like in our context?

  • In the Scriptures, we see that the Holy Spirit rests on you, as a guide, a teacher, a helper, a strengthener, a comforter, an advocate and more.

    • What definition would use in your experience? What noun do you need in this season?  God is inviting you to ask the Spirit for what you need.