Acts 13:1-12: The Spirit on Mission


It's been said that God's church doesn't have a mission, but God's mission has a church. In Acts 13:1-12, we see this reality in action as the Holy Spirit expands His mission through Paul & Barnabas as they venture out on their first missionary trip together. But what does this story mean for us today?

Scripture: Acts 13:1-12

Guest Preacher: Pastor Jeff Jantzi

Acts 13:1-12 - The Spirit on Mission
Pastor Jeff Jantzi

Respond together:

  1. Pastor Jeff describes hearing and discerning the voice of the Living God involves “seeking Him” and listening to Him “through people”. How have you understood discernment and hearing God in the past?

  2. What are some ways that the enemy may be deceiving people and leading them astray today?

Our songs together:

  • Rest on Us - Maverick City Music

  • So Will I (100 Billion X) - Hillsong

  • Generous Love - Mosaic MSC

  • Death in His Grave - Audrey Assad