Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday

The Great Commission is a defining part of what it means to follow Jesus and it is accompanied with a Great Promise. A promise that God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit— is an enduring presence in our day to day life. it’s an invitation to step into a life interwoven with the Triune God.

Passage: Matthew 28:16-20

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Matthew 28:16-20
Pastor Josh

Respond together:

  • If God is with us always, every moment is sacred. What is possible when you bring that awareness of God’s presence in every moment in your everyday interactions and tasks?

  • Do you resonate with the uncertainty and hesitation of the disciples who ‘doubted’ in verse 17? Jesus calls all his people to participate in that commission. The God who calls you is faithful. Take some time to let that sink in.

  • The Trinity reveals God as a dynamic communion of love. When we are invited into that love, how might it change the way you approach conflict, service, or forgiveness?

Our songs together:

  • What a Beautiful Name - Hillsong

  • More like Jesus - Passion

  • Goodness of God - Bethel

  • Highlands - Hillsong