Made in the Image of God: Leviticus 19:1-18
We continue our exploration of being 'Made in the Image of God'. Join us as we engage an often overlooked passage in the Torah. These ancient laws of Leviticus 19 reveal God’s heart for shaping a distinct people and bringing renewal to neighbourhoods and cities.
Scripture passage: Levitcus 19:118
This is week 3 of our sermon series “Made in the Image of God”
Respond together:
Holiness goes far beyond ritual purity, what does it mean to live as a distinct people of God in a world that longs for renewal and restoration?
The attraction to idols was not necessarily the physical idol but the greed, lust or practices that they represented. What are "idols" in your life that are harmful to you, the people around you and detract from your relationship with God? How can you move away from those idols?
How can you apply the gleaning law to your own context? Do you consider the needs of others with the margins of your wealth? How do our practices, policies and purchases affect those who are vulnerable? Are we part of the solution or part of the problem?
How can you obey the central command of loving your neighbours? How can you display more compassion in your interactions with others, especially those who are vulnerable or marginalized?
Our songs together:
Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me - CityAlight
Great are Your Lord - All Sons and Daughters
Cornerstone - Hillsong