Renewing Your Mind: Romans 12:1-2
What if transformation was less about trying harder but about surrendering more? Romans 12:1-2 invites us into a life where our hearts and minds are shaped, not by the noise of the world, but by aligning ourselves with the way of Jesus. A renewed mind, a transformed life - it's closer than you think.
Respond together:
What if your life became your offering, your true and proper worship? Where are you holding back, and where are you giving everything? Where is the line between the sacred and the everyday, or is there a line at all?
How's your mind and heart conforming to the noisy patterns of this world? Can you feel it happening in certain areas? How can you swim against the cultural flow and what practices can help you resist? Do you have regular habits that draw you into prayer and community? (ie. Formation Groups, spiritual disciplines, a rosary liturgy or specific times of prayer)
The wisdom literature reads: “The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception.”
Do you make a habit of giving thought to the direction you are heading? Take some time in prayerful reflection this week.
Our songs together:
God with Us - All Sons and Daughters
Christ Be Praised - Jeremy Riddle
Speak O Lord - The Gettys
Remembrance - Hillsong