The First Sunday of Advent: Isaiah 64
The Israelites have returned from exile only to find the Temple is destroyed and Jerusalem lay in ruins. In Isaiah 64, the prophet begs that God would tear open the heavens, that he would come down and make things right. In the midst of disappointment and longing, he invites us to look in the mirror and see our collective need for redemption. Join us for this first Sunday of Advent.
Scripture reading: Isaiah 64
Reflect together:
Isaiah expresses a longing for God to “rend the heavens and come down.” How does this vivid imagery resonate with your own desires for God's intervention in your life and in the world?
How does the metaphor of our righteousness acts being like “filthy rags” challenge your understanding of personal righteousness and self-sufficiency? In what ways might this prompt you to rely more deeply on God's grace rather than your own efforts?
The prophet speaks of God as the potter and us as the clay. When God, in his sovereignty, first imagined you - who did he see? What may need to change in your posture or perspective to become more malleable in the hands of the Potter?
Our songs together:
All Who are Thirsty
O Come O Come Emmanuel
It is Well - Bethel