Trinity Sunday 2024: Isaiah 6:1-8

In a time of uncertainty and despair, Isaiah receives a vision from God. A vision that extends the same invitation for you and I to encounter the living God in all of His holiness. How would you feel in Isaiah’s position? How would this experience change you? Isaiah moves from being confronted of his sin and unworthiness into being ready to live into God’s powerful call on his life. What does God want to make whole in your life and what might you be sent forward to do in response? Join us for Trinity Sunday.

Scripture passage(s): Isaiah 6:1-8

Trinity Sunday 2024: Isaiah 6:1-8
Pastor Josh

Respond together:

  • Transformation and healing takes time. How do I imagine God’s posture towards me when I know that he is author and perfecter of my faith? In what areas of my life is God inviting me to extend grace and patience to myself?

  • Isaiah was able to move from despair to saying “Here I am, send me!” What fears or reservations might be holding me from stepping more into embracing God’s call in my life?

  • How do I experience God’s holiness in my own life? What practical things can I do to create space for intentional encounters with God?

  • In the presence of God’s holiness, Isaiah becomes deeply aware of his condition. Are there aspects of my life where I need to acknowledge a need for God’s refining cleansing?

Our songs together:

  • Holy Holy Holy - Shane & Shane

  • Ancient of days - CityAlight

  • Behold (then sings my soul) - Hillsong

  • How Great is Your Love - Phil Wickham