From our latest Sundays together. For messages further back in the past, check out our messages archive.
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“God does not have a mission for his Church.
He has a Church for His mission.”

Who we Are
Renewal church is the expression of a deep and shared conviction to be the church in the context of our city. We are a multi-ethnic church that strives to be an incarnational presence in a postmodern culture. We are a community that believes in the one true God, the beauty and brokenness of humanity and joining God in the renewal of all things.
We strive to be a church where the love of God and others is evident, where authenticity and community is pursued, where people of all backgrounds are embraced, where wonder and mystery are celebrated and the gospel is proclaimed.
Our church exists to join Jesus in bringing renewal and restoration to the world through the power of the Spirit.
Our mission is simply to orient our lives around the greatest commandment and commission: to love God and others, and to make disciples of all people.
Our church exists to join Jesus in bringing renewal and restoration to the world through the power of the Spirit.
God is always at work in every context, in our cities, where people live and where they work. When the resurrected Christ addresses his disciples, he says “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”
We are passionate about building a joyful community of faith that inspires people to enter a deepening relationship with God, life-changing relationships with other believers, and engaging relationships with those yet to believe.
“God is on the move and the church is always catching up with him.
We join his mission.”

Why We Gather
We are a church committed to the gospel. It informs who we are and shapes how we live. Each Sunday we gather to worship and confess, to engage in Scripture and prayer, to celebrate the eucharist and be sent out into the city with a blessing. These practices enable us to celebrate God and be reminded of who He is and His work in and through us.
Our church exists to join Jesus in bringing renewal and restoration to the world through the power of the Spirit.
What We Believe
Renewal church faithfully commits to the orthodox Christian faith. We affirm and submit ourselves to the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed. These creeds have been developed in ecumenical councils over centuries, long before we were born and will (with the exception of Christ’s return) exist far after we are gone.
Our Values
Our core values help us to make decisions about what we should do with our time, energy, and money:
Formation – Our lifelong goal is to be learners of Jesus and to live like he did.
Communion – The table anchors us in the gospel, focusing on his death, resurrection and his return as our hope and joy.
Participation – We believe every person is called to participate in the Kingdom of God, and in their congregation. We are called to be partners rather than consumers.
Proximity – To be truly incarnational, we have to be present and committed in a community.
Listening – We want to be open and following the Holy Spirit, even when it involves greater risk and faith.
“The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it...”

Pastor Joshua Wang and his wife Shelly spent ten years communicating the love and truth of Christ to generations of students in an immigrant, multi-lingual setting. Working with a wide range of backgrounds, Josh and Shelly quickly realized that millennials live in a society where they are spending little time in a monocultural setting. They have three lovely children and enjoy the outdoors, coffee, learning, people and loads of individual hobbies!
With the support of their elders, mother church and C2C, Pastor Josh and Shelly, along with a small community of friends spent a year rediscovering the gospel, the church’s missional identity, and began to create space in their lives for meaningful relationships with their spheres of influence. Renewal church believes in proximity and wants to be a faithful presence in the community of Barrhaven and to eventually celebrate and reflect the ethnic diversity of the rapidly growing area.