Values of Renewal Church: Proximity

Life Together

Everyday we find ourselves in proximity to colleagues and friends whose faces and stories may bear little resemblance to our own. Jesus’ life displayed the heartbeat of God and broke down the dividing wall between people. He did this through coming near to us and caring deeply about people. In order to be incarnational, followers of Jesus ought to be present and committed in community.

Values of Renewal Church: Proximity
Pastor Josh

Scripture passages: John 15:9-17 and Hebrews 10:19-25


  • Kosuke Koyama says that Love has a speed. God, who is love; walked at three miles per hour. There was a pace of Jesus’ life that made him available to others even when it could be considered an interruption. What changes might the Holy Spirit desire to make to your pace and schedule?

  • How many times does an unexpected opportunity to bless or be God’s hands, feet and mouthpiece arise when you continue to ‘show up’ in relationship? In what ways can you exercise servanthood in the positions of authority that you carry? (ie. seniority at work, as a parent, older sibling etc)

  • Sherry Turkle: “Friendships embody the power of the gospel in a unique way, because in friendship we live out the truth of the gospel to each other. What is the gospel besides that Jesus knows how broken we are and sticks around to love us anyway? What is a friend except someone who knows how broken we are yet sticks around to love us anyway?” Thank God for the friends in your life who exemplify this, pray that you might be this for others.