Values of Renewal Church: Listening

Life Together

In the Scriptures and throughout the centuries, we see countless examples of God speaking to people from every tribe and nation. Regardless of geography or era, people call out and speak to God; sometimes from a stage, but most often in quiet isolation. What we see in the Bible and the life of Jesus is that listening and obedience to God is meant to be the natural outflow of what it is to be fully human.

Values of Renewal Church: Listening
Pastor Josh


  • How many times has God spoken to you through the Scriptures? Times where you needed comfort, peace, guidance, correction etc. In what ways have you sensed God’s leading through thoughts, impressions or voices in community?

  • Some (not all) principles to keep in mind to discern if you are hearing the voice of God:

    • Does it sound like Jesus as revealed in Scripture?

    • Does it push you to be more like Jesus?

    • Does it love your neighbor?

  • Do you believe that God is speaking to you often? When you think of the times where God has spoken to you, what patterns emerge (ie. Scripture, lectio divina, prayer, impressions, thoughts, community etc.)