Resurrection Sunday: Luke 24:1-12

Holy Week

Christ is Risen! This Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The gospel of Luke honours the challenge of faith but invites us to a whole new kind of life, one that requires letting go of the old one.

Resurrection Sunday: Luke 24:1-12
Pastor Josh


  • The women are coming into this Easter Sunday with feelings of thick grief, the disciples grieving and potentially feeling guilt for abandoning Jesus.

    • With the exhaustion of pandemic, the despair of wars, or the growing distance in relationships - What emotions and circumstances do you carry into Easter?

  • Take some time to reflect on your Lenten experience? What did the Spirit form in your character leading up to Easter? What did you hope for but are left feeling disappointment? Take both to God in prayer.

  • The women and the disciples were dealing with thick grief and lament. The empty tomb itself did not bring immediate joy but rather questions, concerns and even fear of a thief robbing the grave. In what ways does Easter leave you like Peter ‘wondering what had happened’?

  • What “prison stone” in your story can be rolled away in light of the resurrection?