Fifth Sunday of Lent: John 8:1-11


In John 8, we are presented with a messy scene. This is a tale of how religion can be wrongfully wielded to harm others rather than setting them free. A woman stands humiliated in full display before the crowd, the religious accusers are setting a trap for Jesus. The angry crowd have stones in hand ready to execute her judgment. While others learn to drop the stone in light of Jesus. Who are we in this story? Jesus reminds us why Love is the way, the truth and the life. Jesus reminds us that new life and turning from sins flows from the grace of the God who saves.

Fifth Sunday of Lent: John 8:1-11
Pastor Josh


  • “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”

    • We don’t know the end of her story, but Jesus provided an invitation to true life.

    • Reflect on moments where God set in motion transformative seasons in your life.

  • “The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?”

    • If asked in that setting, would you have remained silent? Jesus had the courage to respond against the angry crowd and extend grace to the ‘least’ .

    • What has been the result when the Spirit has given you the courage to challenge ways of thinking that harm others?

  • The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees condemned the woman until Jesus’ disruptive remarks brought awareness to the fact that their lives also miss the mark.

    • Have there been times when your awareness of your own shortcomings has helped you extend grace to people around you? Think specifically.