Posts in 2023
God Has a Name: Exodus 34:6-7

God has a name, it’s not “God”. It’s Yahweh. But why does this matter?

Scripture passage: Exodus 34:6-7

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Respond together:

  1. What comes to mind when you think about God?

  2. How is that image shaping the way you live today?

Our songs together:

  • King of Kings - Hillsong

  • Goodness of God - Bethel

  • Come Thou Fount

  • The Goodness of Jesus - CityAlight

Made in the Image of God: the Renewed Image of God

The image of God in humanity is not lost, it’s distorted. As we engage with the Scriptures we’ll see how God is making things right again. The Holy Spirit breathes life into our relationships, our purpose, and our very identities. Through this renewal of the image of God, we're empowered to cultivate the fruit of God’s character in order to better reflect God's image in a world so in need of His love and grace.

Scripture passage(s): 2 Corinthians 3:12-18; Galatians 5:16-18, 22-25

This is week 5 of our sermon series “Made in the Image of God

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Respond together:

  1. Paul says that followers of Jesus "are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory." Reflect on your journey of faith so far. In what areas of your life can you see evidence of this transformation in your life?

  2. The church in Galatia (and us) are called to  "walk by the Spirit." The metaphor of the natural activity of walking is applied to life in the Spirit. In what tangible ways can you foster a deeper sensitivity to the Spirit's guiding in your thoughts, postures, daydreaming, stewardship, giftings and more?

  3. How might understanding the fruit of the Spirit as a single, interconnected fruit affect the way you approach spiritual growth? What priority that has ‘no deadline’ might God be calling to your attention right now?

Our songs together:

  • Holy Spirit - Bryan and Katie Torwalt

  • What a Beautiful Name - Hillsong

  • Lord I Need You - Matt Maher

Made in the Image of God: Jesus the True Image

The writer of Hebrews proclaims: “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being.” Paul says it this way, “The Son is the image of the invisible God.” Join us in our ongoing exploration of what it means to be made in God’s image and how Jesus’ life, death and resurrection reshapes how we view ourselves and the world.

Scripture passages: Colossians 1:15-16, Hebrews 1:1-4

This is week 4 of our sermon series “Made in the Image of God

Audio Block
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Respond together:

  1. Relationship with God:  Since Jesus is the true image of God, and we are made in his image, how does his life shape our understanding of how we are intended to live in union with God? In what ways can we adopt the same spiritual practices, cadences, and yielding?

  2. Relationship with Others: Jesus is the visible representation of the invisible God. Are there areas of our life where we need to better reflect God's image in the way we interact with others? How does this understanding influence the way we respond to conflict, injustice, or those who are different from us?

  3. Relationship with Creation: In what ways can our relationship with the natural world be aligned in harmony with creation? How might our habits, purchases, and actions towards the environment reflect or distort the image of God?

Our songs together:

  • Come Thou Fount

  • Christ Be Praised - Jeremy Riddle

  • Goodness of God - Bethel

  • Turn Your Eyes

Jesus as Servant: John 13:1-17

In a world fixated on power, control and status, we turn to John 13:1-17, where Jesus, God in flesh, radically subverts these notions by washing His disciples' feet. In this sermon, we'll explore the profound depths of Jesus' humility and love, challenging us to redefine true leadership as service and to dare to follow in His transformative footsteps. Join us as we introduce and commission our Deacons this Sunday.

Scripture passage: John 13:1-17

This Sunday is our commissioning service for our Deacons

Audio Block
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Respond together:

  1. Jesus, who lived with full awareness of His divine identity; habitually chose to serve rather than be served. How does being confronted with Jesus' humility challenge your perception of power, status, and dignity?

  2. Peter initially resisted having his feet washed by Jesus due to his understanding of social norms and respect. Are there ways that cultural expectations or your own upbringing may be hindering you from receiving what Jesus wants to do in your life?

  3. With the knowledge that Judas would betray him, Jesus washed his feet. How does this unconditional love speak to you in your interactions with those who may have hurt you, are challenging to love, or have let you down?

  4. In what ways can the act of foot washing—serving others in the most humble, caring, and practical ways—be embodied in your family, workplace and community?

Our songs together:

  • Build My Life - Pat Barrett

  • A Thousand Hallelujahs - Brooke Ligertwood

  • Lord I Need You - Matt Maher

  • More like Jesus - Kristian Stanfill

Living Hope Our New ID: 1 Peter 1:1-9

You may have a wallet full of ID cards but who are you, really? Are we defined by possessions, accomplishments, or heritage? Or is there something else? The Apostle Peter lived through his own identity crisis. He offers a liberating--and empowering--perspective on Who it is who makes us, us.

Scripture passage: 1 Peter 1:1-9

Audio Block
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Our songs together:

  • Behold Him - Paul Baloche

  • Be Thou My Vision - Shane and Shane

  • Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me - CityAlight

  • Remembrance - Hillsong

Made in the Image of God: Leviticus 19:1-18

We continue our exploration of being 'Made in the Image of God'. Join us as we engage an often overlooked passage in the Torah. These ancient laws of Leviticus 19 reveal God’s heart for shaping a distinct people and bringing renewal to neighbourhoods and cities.

Scripture passage: Levitcus 19:118

This is week 3 of our sermon series “Made in the Image of God

Audio Block
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Respond together:

  1. Holiness goes far beyond ritual purity, what does it mean to live as a distinct people of God in a world that longs for renewal and restoration?

  2. The attraction to idols was not necessarily the physical idol but the greed, lust or practices that they represented. What are "idols" in your life that are harmful to you, the people around you and detract from your relationship with God? How can you move away from those idols?

  3. How can you apply the gleaning law to your own context? Do you consider the needs of others with the margins of your wealth? How do our practices, policies and purchases affect those who are vulnerable? Are we part of the solution or part of the problem?

  4. How can you obey the central command of loving your neighbours? How can you display more compassion in your interactions with others, especially those who are vulnerable or marginalized?

Our songs together:

  • Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me - CityAlight

  • Great are Your Lord - All Sons and Daughters

  • Cornerstone - Hillsong

Do it Afraid: Acts 18:1-17

It's not unusual to experience fear in response to God's call in our lives. The Apostle Paul did while in Corinth in Acts. But how did he respond in the face of fear? And how did Jesus encourage him to keep going? What’s all this mean for us today?

Scripture passage: Acts 18:1-17

Audio Block
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Reflect together:

  1. Where are you experiencing fear in your life these days? What are you most afraid of right now? Why?

  2. Where is fear & uncertainty holding you back from living into your calling in life?

  3. What might “Do it afraid” look like for you?

Our songs together:

  • Blessed Be Your Name - Matt Redman

  • Shepherd - CityAlight

  • No Longer Slaves - Bethel

Made in the Image of God: Genesis 3

We continue our exploration of being 'Made in the Image of God'. We dive into Genesis 3, while this passage reveals the distortion of God's perfect image within us, we remember that the divine imprint is not lost, only marred. We'll grapple with how that affects our relationship with God, with others and with creation and to navigate our daily realities with the hope of restoration and the relentless pursuit of embodying God's likeness in a world longing for renewal.

Scripture passage: Genesis 3

This is week 2 of our sermon series “Made in the Image of God

Audio Block
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Respond together:

  1. Are there societal systems or structures that you unknowingly participate in that degrade the image of God in people? What steps can you take to actively resist and reform these?

  2. What steps can we take to better see and honor the image of God in others, despite our and their fallen nature?

  3. What actions can we take to better fulfill our role as stewards of creation in a fallen world?

Our songs together:

  • I Don’t Wanna Go - Chris Renzema

  • Build My Life - Pat Barrett

  • Christ Be Praised - Jeremy Riddle

Made in the Image of God: Genesis 1:26-31

Dive with us into a transformative journey as we walk through being “Made in the Image of God” In this new series, we’ll discover how this truth shapes our understanding of human dignity, value, and our innate capacity for relationship, creativity, and stewardship.

Scripture passage: Genesis 1:26-31

This is week 1 of our sermon series “Made in the Image of God

Audio Block
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Respond together:

  • How does knowing that you are made in the image and likeness of God shift your self-perception, your self-worth, and your purpose?

  • In what ways have you failed to honor the image of God in others, particularly those who differ from you? What steps can you take to affirm and honor their God-given dignity?

  • How does being made in the image of God influence your view of creativity? In what ways can you express this God-given attribute in your work and play?

  • How does the idea of creation stewardship change your relationship to the environment, your finances, and the capacities given to you?

Our songs together:

  • Goodness of God - Bethel

  • Brokenness Aside - All Sons and Daughters

  • How Deep the Father’s Love for Us - Stuart Townsend

  • Come Thou Fount - Shane and Shane

Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday

The Great Commission is a defining part of what it means to follow Jesus and it is accompanied with a Great Promise. A promise that God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit— is an enduring presence in our day to day life. it’s an invitation to step into a life interwoven with the Triune God.

Passage: Matthew 28:16-20

Audio Block
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Respond together:

  • If God is with us always, every moment is sacred. What is possible when you bring that awareness of God’s presence in every moment in your everyday interactions and tasks?

  • Do you resonate with the uncertainty and hesitation of the disciples who ‘doubted’ in verse 17? Jesus calls all his people to participate in that commission. The God who calls you is faithful. Take some time to let that sink in.

  • The Trinity reveals God as a dynamic communion of love. When we are invited into that love, how might it change the way you approach conflict, service, or forgiveness?

Our songs together:

  • What a Beautiful Name - Hillsong

  • More like Jesus - Passion

  • Goodness of God - Bethel

  • Highlands - Hillsong

Pentecost Sunday

This Sunday, we read the account of Acts 2 and celebrate the Day of Pentecost. It is an event of profound significance, serving as a reminder that the Holy Spirit rests on God's people and draws us into a deeper, transformative relationship with Jesus. It is not only a commemoration of the past but invites us to live expectantly, attuned to the Spirit in our here and now.

Scripture passage: Acts 2:1-21

Audio Block
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Respond together:

  • Pentecost marked the birth of the church. The Spirit united diverse ethnicities, socio-economic standing, genders and ages into one people. How do we see the Spirit bridging divides in our own lives, in our own communities? How can we participate in this work of unity?

  • Peter quoted Hebrew prophecy: God's Spirit would be poured out on all people, and they would prophesy. How do we see the Spirit at work in our own dreams and visions? What are some steps to take in obedience to God’s call?

  • How is God calling you to repent, to change your way of thinking/orientation in life? Perhaps he is inviting you to join this new family of faith through baptism? How is the Holy Spirit empowering your daily life?

  • After Peter's sermon, many in the crowd were "cut to the heart" and open for change. Peter was teaching what had already been revealed in the Scriptures. How does the work of the Spirit on Pentecost challenge or comfort us in regards to how we speak to people?

Our songs together:

  • Come to the Altar - Elevation Worship

  • Death in His Grave - John Mark McMillan

  • King of My Heart - John Mark McMillan

  • Fullness - Elevation Worship

Sixth Sunday of Easter


Explore the profound promise of the Holy Spirit, our divine Advocate, Friend, and Teacher, as Jesus speaks to the essence of our faith and the depths of our connection with God. At the heart of life's most pressing questions lies the inquiry: How is the Holy Spirit prompting me to live, both in the here and now, and in the future?

Scripture passage: John 14:15-27

This is our sixth week of our Eastertide series

Respond together:

  • What work of inner renovation might the Spirit as Advocate and Comforter want to do in your story?

  • What habits or spiritual disciplines can/have help(ed) you nurture your connection to the Holy Spirit and foster a greater openness to the Spirit's work in your heart?

  • Frederick Buechner, a well-known theologian and writer, once wrote, "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." Considering your gifts and the needs that God has pressed upon your heart, to what work or place might you be invited to participate in what Spirit is doing?

  • How can we demonstrate our love for Jesus by living out his commandments in our daily lives, both in our personal relationships and in the broader community?

Our songs together:

  • Build Your Kingdom - Rend Collective

  • Holy Spirit - Bryan and Katie Torwalt

  • Fresh Wind - Hillsong

  • Hymn of the Holy Spirit - Pat Barrett (During Eucharist)

  • You are my Vision - Rend Collective

Fifth Sunday of Easter


The ache of feeling lost and uncertain about the future is compounded when it seems like there is no compass to guide us. Through the words of Jesus, we are reminded that there is a way forward, a truth to still the fears, and a life that goes beyond what can be envisioned. The source of this guiding light can only be found in a person.

Scripture passage: John 14:1-14

This is the fifth week of our Eastertide Series

Respond together:

  • Have you ever felt ‘tired, worn out and burned out on religion’? Sometimes our experience of religion can become a sort of dead orthodoxy (a list of truths and being ‘right’) or only a set of legalistic rules and boundaries.

    How might your life be different if you sought to know Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life, on a more personal and intimate level?

  • God’s kindness leads us to repentance. Is there anything in your life that you feel might be holding you back from living a life of greater love and compassion? What steps can you take to turn away from habits or thoughts that cause harm, and turn towards God’s love?

  • God invites us to partner with him and do the works of Jesus. With consideration of your gifts, personality and abilities:

    How can you pray with faith and boldness, asking God to use you (in word and in deed) in powerful ways to bring about his kingdom on earth?

Our songs together:

  • Rest on us - Maverick City Music

  • More like Jesus - Passion

  • Goodness of God - Bethel

  • Gratitude - Maverick City Music

Fourth Sunday of Easter


Through the image of the shepherd, we are reminded of God's love, protection and guidance for us. Jesus invites us to a life that is so full and whole that when taken hold of, anything less would be tragic. In John 10:1-10, we are invited to consider our own identity and to question whether we hear and follow the voice of Jesus.

Scripture passage: John 10:1-10

This is week 4 of our Eastertide series

Respond together:

  • Who or what are the voices that I am listening to in my life? Am I able to discern the voice of Jesus as the good shepherd amidst the noise and distractions of the world?

    In what ways can my voice and influence guide others towards the good shepherd?

  • Am I settling for less than ‘life to the full?’ Am I holding onto things that prevent me from fully embracing the abundant life that Jesus offers? Ask the Spirit to reveal if there is anything preventing you from greater relational intimacy with Christ

  • Do I embody the love and compassion of the good shepherd towards those who are in need of his care? How do I love the people around me (family, neighborhood and work)?

Our songs together:

  • Only a Holy God - CityAlight

  • Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me - CityAlight

  • Shepherd - CityAlight

  • Lord I Need You - Matt Maher

Third Sunday of Easter


Often times, Christians will say that they ‘love God’ or that they ‘love Jesus’ but then refuse to do what he said to do. What’s the connection between a 'love for Jesus' and 'obedience to Jesus’? What makes “doing what Jesus said” so important? Join us as we look at Jesus’ teaching from Matthew 7:24-27 where he calls us to build our lives on his teaching by doing what he said to do. 

Scripture passage: Matthew 7:24-27

This is the third week of our Eastertide series

(No recording for this week)

Our songs together:

  • Highlands (Song of Ascent) - Hillsong

  • The Goodness of Jesus - CityAlight

  • Cornerstone - Hillsong

  • Build My Life - Pat Barrett

Second Sunday of Easter


Throughout the centuries the portrait of Thomas in this passage resonates with us. Thomas passionately pledges to die with Jesus, only to complain a few chapters later and then refuse to join the excitement and joy of his resurrection. In Thomas we can see ourselves, and in Christ; we see grace for today and empowerment for the future. “My Lord and my God!” Thomas is the first person to look directly at Jesus and address him as God!

Scripture passage: John 20:19-31

This is the second week of our Eastertide series

Respond together:

  • Similar to Thomas, have I ever found myself feeling excluded or like I don't fully belong in a community? What could I do to cultivate a deeper sense of belonging and connection with others and for others?

  • Do I have a limited imagination of the ways Jesus might reveal his presence? How can I cultivate a greater openness to the unexpected ways that Jesus reveals himself in my life?

  • In what ways am I tempted to hide myself and present a clean and whole image of faith? How can I grow to be more open and honest about my doubts and uncertainties with God and others?

Our songs together:

  • Behold Him - Paul Baloche

  • King of Kings - Hillsong

  • In Christ Alone - The Gettys

Resurrection Sunday


Easter Sunday is the most significant day in the Christian calendar. All of the hopes and expectations of followers of Jesus are realized in the resurrection of Christ from the dead. The gospel of Matthew captures the fear and joy of the first witnesses of the empty tomb. In what ways is resurrection an ongoing reality through which God continues to work towards renewal of the world?

Scripture passage: Matthew 28:1-10

Respond together:

  • The Scriptures teach that “Jesus bore our sins in his body on the cross… by his wounds you have been healed.” 

    What do you feel about the fact that out of his love, Jesus died for you? What does that mean for you personally?

  • In the Bible, the phrase “Do not be afraid” is connected to invitations to greater courage. 

    In what ways can I participate with the ongoing announcement of the good news of resurrection? In what ways can I fulfill the Great Commission with my abilities and in my context?

  • What difference does it make that the grave is empty and Jesus conquered it? 

    What death can bring about new life in my story? What new joy, new hope, and new life is God inviting me into? Does your relationship with God bring a life-giving presence to others?

Our songs together:

  • Resurrecting - Elevation Worship

  • What a Beautiful Name - Hillsong

  • Death In His Grave - John Mark MacMillan

  • Gratitude - Maverick City Worship

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday, the city was stirred and asked "Who is this Jesus?" The crowd that welcomed him as king would, days later; shout "crucify him.” As we begin Holy Week, we reflect on our reply—he is the King, but One who continues to surprise us. Jesus invites us to see that humility and love will triumph over power and force.

Scripture passage: Matthew 21:1-11

Respond together:

  • The Jews expected a military ruler who would overthrow the oppressive Romans and establish of a political kingdom. 

    What are some expectations that people commonly have of Jesus today, and how do they compare to the expectations that people had of him during his ministry? 

    In what ways do we, like the crowds on Palm Sunday, have a tendency to turn away from Jesus when things don’t go according to our plan?

  • The triumphal entry of Pilate and Jesus could not be any more opposite. How does Jesus' humble and sacrificial love challenge our own understanding of power and authority?

    In what ways can we follow Jesus' example of self-giving love and service to others in our own lives?

  • The New Testament instructs us to not conform to the pattern of the world. 

    With multiple voices garnering our attention, which King do we choose to follow? The way of Pilate and the world or the way of Jesus?

Our songs together:

  • Hosanna - Hillsong

  • Living Hope - Phil Wickham

  • Only a Holy God - CityAlight

  • More Like Jesus - Passion

Fifth Sunday of Lent


When moments in our story suddenly feel like they are getting torn apart and the brokenness around us has our very soul crying out for help, where is Jesus when all of this is going on? Are my calls for help being heard? Why is this story in the Bible so important to us today? Maybe it is because the story we find ourselves surrounded by is in great need of a miracle. But is the miracle that we need the one we hope for or the one that is more than we could have imagined?

Scripture passage: John 11:1-45

This is Week 4 of our Lent Series

Reflect together:

  • Take some time to read aloud the story of Lazarus: what words, whats phrases, or what detail jumps out at you? What seems to be afresh this reading?

  • Paul Racine reminds us the of real living story (with real living people) that took place and was recorded in John’s gospel. How did the honesty of Martha and Mary’s statement to Jesus seem to you? Does this reflect your prayer life?

  • In the scene surrounding the shortest verse in scripture, “Jesus wept” (John 11:35), we find an extraordinary (and perhaps unexpected) response of Jesus to those He loved (John 11:5). What is the Lord saying to you?

Our songs together:

  • O Come to the Altar - Elevation Worship

  • Brokenness Aside - All Songs and Daughters

  • Goodness of God - Bethel

  • Your Will Be Done - CityAlight