Rootedness: John 15:1-17
The First Sunday of Lent
Lent is a wilderness journey, an invitation to say no to things we may even enjoy in order to say yes to a greater love. In John 15, we are invited to stay root ourselves in Jesus. Like sap in a vine that nourishes and empowers branches, Jesus is saying ‘let my life flow through you.’ The living sap from the stock that flows to branches enable them to bear grapes; otherwise it’s fruitless.
Scripture reading(s): John 15:1-17, Genesis 9:8-17 (Children’s Ministry)
This is Week 1 of our Rootedness series
Respond Together:
Reflecting on your own story, where have you found your primary source of nourishment and identity? What changes might enable a deeper connection to Christ as the True Vine?
What might the pruning process that Jesus describes look like in life? How has suffering, trials or times of discipline contributed to greater wholeness and fruitfulness in your story?
In what areas of your life do you sense the need for pruning in order for more growth?
There is an interconnectedness of branches and the Vine. How do the Scriptures challenge the individualistic tendencies of western culture?
How does a life rooted together in community reflect the love and unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? In what ways can we encourage and support one another to bear fruit together?
Our songs together:
Yet not I But Through Christ In Me - CityAlight
Great are You Lord - All Sons and Daughters
Cornerstone - Hillsong
All Who are Thirsty - Vineyard