Posts tagged lent
Palm Sunday: Mark 11:1-11

What kind of king chooses to enter his own parade on a donkey’s back? Every magazine and keynote speech exalts wealth, might, and majesty. Could it be that true power lies not in the things we expect, but rather in humility and self-giving love? In Mark 11:1-11, we explore the subversive kingship of Jesus which challenges everything we think we know about strength and authority.

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Rootedness: Acts 17:16-34

We listen to Luke's account of the Apostle Paul's excursion into the city of Athens, recorded in Acts 17. The Book of Acts continues Luke’s first volume, showing us that Triune God is doing something new in creation and in all peoples. Athens was a city renowned for their continued contribution to culture and innovation in the Greco-Roman world. Why did Luke write to us about this particular place and this particular people and what does God want to do here? These are the questions at the heart of Luke’s account. It is a question for us and our place and time as well.

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Rootedness: Jeremiah 29:1-14

Ever felt like life was leading you through a wilderness with no end in sight? In Jeremiah 29, God speaks directly to a community in exile, but it is a message for each of us in the places we find ourselves. What if God has something beautiful and formative that can only be discovered in times of exile? What if rooting ourselves in the lives of others is the key to discovering God's plan not just for 'you', but for 'us'?

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Rootedness: Ephesians 3:14-21

Paul’s prayer for the church is a daring invitation to experience the fullness of God — dimensions of love that are beyond what we can imagine or comprehend. What if the only way to completely tap into this fullness was through experiencing God? And what if being rooted in this love could heal us and change the way we live and love the people around us? Join us as we continue our series of Rootedness: Grow Deep in Christ and in Community.

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Rootedness: John 15:1-17

Lent is a wilderness journey, an invitation to say no to things we may even enjoy in order to say yes to a greater love. In John 15, we are invited to stay root ourselves in Jesus. Like sap in a vine that nourishes and empowers branches, Jesus is saying ‘let my life flow through you.’ The living sap from the stock that flows to branches enable them to bear grapes; otherwise it’s fruitless.

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