The Fourth Sunday of Easter: John 10:11-18

Jesus describes himself as the Good Shepherd. A Shepherd whose love defies our understanding, One willing to lay down his life for his sheep. What does it truly mean to listen to this Shepherd, to know Him and trust in His care and leading?

Scripture passage: John 10:11-18

Respond together:

  • When we commit to following the Shepherd who laid down his life for us, how might God be calling you to go beyond yourself and your interests in loving someone this week?

  • In John's depiction, the sheep are portrayed as vulnerable creatures reliant on the guidance, care, and protection of the Good Shepherd. Do you find it challenging to acknowledge your need for assistance and guidance? How willing are you to be vulnerable and share your struggles and shortcomings?

  • How does the image of Jesus gathering sheep from all backgrounds into one flock challenge us to expand our hearts (and minds) beyond what often divides people?

Our songs together:

  • O Come to the Altar - Elevation Worship

  • The Goodness of Jesus - CityAlight

  • Psalm 23 - The Gettys

  • Ancient of Days - CityAlight